About Us

Our Mission

At MetaBIM, our mission is to revolutionize facility management, maintenance, and operation through our cutting-edge digital twin technology. We strive to provide the most accurate, accessible, and efficient tool for professionals across various industries, enabling them to streamline their operations, reduce downtime, and ensure safety while maintaining business continuity.

The Problem We Solve

Industrial and manufacturing facilities often struggle with outdated and incomplete documentation. This not only leads to inefficiencies and costly mistakes but also puts employees at risk during physical inspections. The departure of employees with specialized knowledge exacerbates the problem, causing disruptions and loss of continuity in maintenance and operations.


MetaBIM is not just a tool; it's a game-changer for facility management and operations. By providing a comprehensive digital twin, we empower professionals to tackle the challenges of today and prepare for the demands of tomorrow.

Experience the difference with MetaBIM. Revolutionize your facility's maintenance and operations, ensuring safety, efficiency, and continuity.

For more information or to get started with MetaBIM, contact us today.